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Do you need council approval for building a SelectHaus cabin?

Each state in Australia has its own legislation when it comes to building a backyard cabin. In addition, local council conditions may apply. Below we will focus on the legislation in NSW. SelectHaus cabins are pre-approved as Class 10A non-habitable sheds that can be exempt from requiring development consent when building in most areas of NSW, as long as you follow some specific rules.


Below is a brief overview of the legislation in NSW at the time of writing. In any case, please check with your local council if you have any questions.


  • Is your land zones as rural?  That is, on land in zones RU1, RU2, RU3, RU4, RU6 or R5.  Then it should not have a floor area of more than 50m2. 

  • If on land in any other zone, then 20m2 (which covers our whole SelectHaus cabin range).

  • be not higher than 3m above ground level,

  • be located at a distance from each lot boundary of at least:

  • for development carried out in Zone RU1, RU2, RU3, RU4, RU6 or R5 - 5m,

  • for development carried out in any other zone - 900mm.

  • and if it is not on land in Zone RU1, RU2, RU3, RU4 or RU6 - be located behind the building line of any road frontage.

  • be constructed or installed so that roof water is disposed of without causing a nuisance to adjoining owners,

  • if located on bush fire prone land, then should not be less than 5m from a dwelling,

  • if located in a heritage conservation area or a draft heritage conservation area, the building should be located in the rear yard,

  • if it is located adjacent to another building - be located so that it does not interfere with the entry to, or exit from, or the fire safety measures contained within that building,

  • be located at least 1m from any registered easement,

  • not be connected to water supply or sewerage services.

  • there must not be more than 2 developments per lot.


If your potential building doesn’t meet some of these points, you may still be able to build your cabin, after checking with your local planning department’s advice to see if you require planning permission, or you may need to consider how you can satisfy the requirements. But please check the requirements before placing your order.


For information on the current NSW State legislation, please look at the relevant section in the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy 2008 

windows being installed
cabin build with a cute dog
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